
Ray Waugh, Sr.

In God’s oneness, there is unity of power!
Yet, in His diversity, there is tri-unity!

In God’s unity of power, there is judgment!
Yet, in His tri-unity, there is His mercy!

In His oneness, God cannot look upon sin!
Yet, in His tri-unity, He loves the sinner!

God, in His unity, must pour out His wrath!
Yet, in His tri-unity, He himself is sacrificed!

God in His unity, decrees judgment for sin!
In His tri-unity, He saves the believing sinner!

Jesus, the Son of God, bore our sins on the tree!
And the Spirit of God witnesses of His love!

All who, in love, recognize His magnanimity
Become evidences of God’s glorious tri-unity!

Others must forever quail before God’s unity!
Enduring, forever, the reality of His judgment!

Copyright by David R. Waugh & Ray Waugh, Jr.